Today, sessions of Limes congress have started at Batumi Shota Rustaveli state university.

Day 2

Today, sessions of Limes congress have started at Batumi Shota Rustaveli state university. Topics are diverse and they mainly include issues of Roman history, archeology, numismatics, architecture etc.

Several sections are open due to the specifics of the topics. The first day was dedicated to discuss the following issues:

  • Back to the drawing board – new approaches, concepts and documentation methods for studies on the Roman frontier fortifications.
  • Periphery under pressure... redefining the late phase of the Roman limes in its arid borderlands.
  • Frontiers before frontiers: the non-linear age of “Fuzzy Borders”, access control and military hotspots.
  • One object, how many stories? The materiality of Roman Religion in the Roman Empire.
  • Late Antique defensive construction programmes, theorisation, design, financing, implementation and combat testing... Late Antiquity as an apotheosis of poliorcetics.
  • If it is buried it is safe? The global impact of Climate change on the buried archaeology of the limes.
  • Ripae – Roman River Frontiers and their Control.
  • Roman limes of Mauretania Tingitana. Moroccan part of the World Heritage.
  • Arms, armour and other military equipment from the limes and beyond.
  • The horses of Roman cavalry units / Die Pferde römischer Kavallerieeinheiten.
  • Over the sea and far away. Roman garrisons and Roman influences in the Southern Caucasus.
  • Roman and early Byzantine sites located in Georgia